Know where your data has been Leaked

HaveIBeenPwned shows you that your email has been compromised. Vuxep shows you websites where it has been compromised so you know which passwords to change.

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Understanding the Threat: Stealer Logs Explained

A stealer log is a collection of data assembled from a victim’s device.
These logs are generated by malicious software (cracks, viruses, etc...) on the target device (typically running a Windows OS).
Once the victim is infected, the malware then proceeds to gather personal and sensitive data to exfiltrate this back to a server being controlled by the threat actor.

Understanding the Risks and Solutions

Stealer logs represent a critical breach of digital security, highlighting the advanced methods used by cybercriminals. Vuxep's analysis goes beyond identifying compromised information, offering insights into these tactics to better safeguard your data.


example file tree of a typical stealer log

Unveiling Vuxep's Advanced Data Monitoring Process

Vuxep is an automatic crawler of the Dark Web, Hacking forums and Telegram groups, Looking for stealer log leaked data, Unlike database breaches, stealer logs data also contains Urls (websites) in addition of the Usernames / Emails & Passwords

We currently have over 700 million stealer logs record in our database, each record a compromised account, and we are adding more every day.

Why choose us?

Our offer is the best in the market when it comes to data protection, Here's why

Zero false positives, We don't make mistakes with your data

On average, we detect stealer-log leaks by over a month before HaveIBeenPwned lists them, If they do

Showing you which of your accounts are compromised, and where they were leaked


Simple pricing, for everyone

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an individual, a small business or a large enterprise, we have a plan that’s right for you

Free plan - platform discovery

Good for anyone wondering if he has been subject to a breach, It's Free, Enjoy it


  • Know if we have your email in our list of leaked Data
  • Instant delivery of results
Verify My Data


You have tried our Free option, you found leaks, you want to know what has been leaked.


  • Get the all the leaked records of your email account
  • Instant delivery of results
Buy now

Protect Your Online Presence with Domain Monitoring

You own an appilication or a company, you have a domain you want to check ?

Contact Us

  • Get the all the leaked records of emails belonging to your domain and of users registered in your website ( Ex : any [email protected] or any record registered in )
  • API to check if user is leaked, useful for processes of authentication
Contact Us

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See What Our Users Have to Say About Us

    • Working with Vuxep allows us at 1337 to have a better understanding of the threats we face, and to better protect our students and staff.

      Youssef Dahbi
      Deputy Manager @ 1337
    • I'm really enthusiastic about Vuxep; it's impressive what they achieved in terms of technical success. Given the importance of security today, I think it's a must-have !

      Walid Boutzougarte
      ex-CTO @ Bluedove
    • I changed my password in several critical platforms after Vuxep told me it was leaked, I avoided a disaster.

      Hamza El Makhroubi
      Penetration tester
    • Vuxep has been a great partner in securing our data, and has helped us identify and mitigate threats before they become a problem.

      Anonymous User
    • I was shocked to see how many of my accounts were compromised !

      Ahmed EL Mountassir
      Software Engineer
    • Vuxep is a great tool to check if your email is compromised. I use it regularly to check my emails.

      Anonymous User